How To Use A Microphone
Author: bsmcgee
Singing lessons are all about tone and pitch and how to breathe with the diaphragm, but there are some other very important skills that you need to master if you want to bridge from the lessons to actual performances. For
those who want to step out onto the stage, the ability to use a microphone is a necessary skill. Whether you're auditioning for a Broadway show or you want to do karaoke at the local nightclub, what you do with the mic is going to
affect your performance.
While you may not have had much practice with an actual mic during your singing lessons, you will need to get comfortable with it when performing for more than your vocal instructor or your family. Start by holding the microphone in
your dominant hand. If you're left-handed, hold it in the left; if you're right-handed, hold it in the right. You will be able to move it from one hand to the other eventually, but starting with your dominant hand may make it easier as
you're transitioning from singing lessons to onstage diva.It can be helpful to think of the microphone as an instrument that the singer "plays." In most cases, you should hold the microphone two to three inches from your mouth, but you
may need to get a feel for that particular mic and the acoustics of the room. When you are singing softer notes, pull the mic closer to your mouth. As you get louder or "belt" out notes, you can move the microphone farther away. It will
still pick up the sound but won't blast the eardrums of your audience.Speaking of blasting eardrums, you'll definitely want to avoid doing that with feedback. This means that you need to keep from pointing the mic at the speakers or the
stage itself. Getting too close to the speakers can also cause the squealing of feedback. Not only can this spoil your performance, but it can also destroy the sound system.There may be times when you prefer to use a microphone stand,
rather than to hold the microphone in your hand. Perhaps you practiced a ballad or other love song during your singing lessons. You may want to create a more intimate performance for that type of song, and standing or sitting in front
of a mic stand can help to create the atmosphere you require. This, in addition to your voice, will help to create the right mood for the song. Author: Barry Mcgee