Save Time with These Pro Tools Shortcuts
Many fortunate musicians this holiday season received interfaces and software from Avid’s Pro Tools line. As a popular DAW recording platform Pro Tools has become, to many it could seem a daunting task to master. And we are all musicians – we want to create, record and listen back to our songs as quickly as possible.
To make it easier (and faster) to record those ideas, I have two quick simple shortcuts that can save you enormous amounts of time during your sessions within Pro Tools. Regardless of your hardware (PC or Mac) and Interface(s), these two hints will make you look like a pro in the studio!
Once your system is set up and ready to record try this shortcut out:
To begin recording (after you have enabled the proper tracks), simply push the 3 on your numeric keypad. Again, this goes for PC or Mac platforms. You’ll notice Pro Tools immediately goes into recording mode. This way, you can relieve your hand of any mouse work – and if you’re a solo recording artist, this could help get your hands on your instrument quicker to be prepared to record.
To stop the recording process, press the Spacebar. This will stop the software from recording.
It’s that simple:
3 to begin recording
Spacebar to stop recording
There are countless other shortcuts available as well to make your workflow go quicker.
Happy recording!