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Posted by George's Music's Marketing Guru, Ben Blakesley...
Can you talk to people without first memorizing what to say? Probably you can. Can you create melodies and nice licks to chords on the spot. Many pianists find this harder. Let's try out a few ways to improve your improvisations! Put something in to ...
By Ben Blakesley Georges Music We're all pressed for time. I can't think of one person I know who just has oodles of time to waste away. So how does a musician (especially a budding beginner) cope with the hard reality of "Not Enough Time To Practice...
(1916 KB) Watch on posterous Ben Blakesley Sent from my Droid Posted by George's Music's Marketing Guru, Ben Blakesley...
By Tim KamakGeorges Music In this Drum Club issue, I would like to introduce all of you to my good friendLess Ismore (get it? Less Is More :-)).Ok, enough with the bad jokes. Defining the Concept For years, successful musicians, songwriters,...
by Merryl LentzWant to write the songs that make the whole world sing? Well, Barry Manilow may have beaten you to that, but you can still create lyrics that are strong, imaginative and memorable. Here are tips about turning your emotions and observat...
New Yamaha THR Series Amplifiers at George's Music. Video review from NAMM 2013....
(2461 KB) Watch on posterous Posted by George's Music's Marketing Guru, Ben Blakesley...
Author: Promila saini This is just a short introduction into copyrights, you should not attempt to copyright your music without first getting your hands on a copy of Ty Cohen's complete copyright course called "Copyright Your Music In Minutes"Music c...
Great tips guiding drummers through the world of dynamics & feel in order to create amazing drum grooves!
We've all been there before you've got your eye on something new, but in order to get it, you've got to unload something old. Its time to sell something in your collection of musical gear. Where to start? Read on for six tips for a quick and...
By: Kevin Manieri George's Music The Taylor GS Mini caused quite a buzz when it first came out in late 2010. That buzz continues today we can barely keep the original model in stock, and we are just starting to receiving several limited-edition...
Author: Sandra GilleThe fact is that more people are choosing wireless microphone systems when they select a microphone to use with their audio system and this is for a number of good reasons. Whether it is for church functions, DJ-ing parties and co...
As with any creative process, there is no absolute hard and fast procedure that must be followed stringently, but there is a logical development that all recordings must go through, which includes:CompositionArrangementRecordingEditingMixingMastering...