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By Ben Blakesley Georges Music We're all pressed for time. I can't think of one person I know who just has oodles of time to waste away. So how does a musician (especially a budding beginner) cope with the hard reality of "Not Enough Time To Practice...
Tips for getting your mic stand to help out in the studio By Jon ChappellTrying to get a clean recording in many home studios can be about as easy as losing weight on a diet of Boston cream pies. Even if your gear is in pristine condition and your si...
These Dozen Tips Can Give You Better Vocals - Regardless of Your Budget By Craig AndertonVocals are often the most important element of any song, as they're what make the connection with the listener. But do you ever get the feeling your vocals aren'...
By Ben Blakesley When working with digital audio there are two opposing factors that must always be considered: file size and sound quality. The following is an explanation of common file types, their attributes, and options. Lossless Audio Digital a...
by aliceshownRecording equipment is a must have for a budding music artist. By listening to his/her music repeatedly, the artist can realize his/her flaws, and can work actively towards ironing out the kinks in skill. The quality of recording equipme...
by Article Manager When choosing a sound effects library, what do you look for? For people new to the industry, there are a few key questions they need to answer in order to determine what kind of sound effects library that need for their productions...
Author: Ian Waugh What makes a pro recording pro? What is the "sound" that the pros get and how can you make your recordings sound more professional?The simple answer is - there's no simple answer. But with careful listening and a little experience y...
10th November 2008Author: Rich_MatthewsIf you have ever wanted to participate in a band or start your own band, you might have considered playing the bass guitar. The bass guitar is generally made up of four standard strings, which makes learning to ...
by Ronald BlackThere are some other things you should pick up that will be essential to your drumming education. I've listed these accessories in order of importance. A metronome! It's about time! A metronome is a mechanical or electronic device that...
Author: stanoldman The principles of marketing a band and getting to the point of making actual money from shows dont really differ that much from running a business. Just so happens that this business is music.An old saying goes something like build...
Author: Promila saini This is just a short introduction into copyrights, you should not attempt to copyright your music without first getting your hands on a copy of Ty Cohen's complete copyright course called "Copyright Your Music In Minutes"Music c...
Author: urlreader If you're a musician who has ever tried to "make it" career-wise, then by now you probably know about all the ups and downs musicians face when they're trying to get their feet wet. Most of what comprises the novice career musician'...
by Traveling Matt A young bands first gig is always an exciting time. Many hours slogging it out in the garage or rehearsal room finally come to fruition with the offer of a first gig.These days bands usually get a school or party gig or a shared bil...
By Ben BlakesleyGeorges MusicAs guitar players, were all familiar with the distortion effect, but what about this enigmatic term Modulation Effect? What does it mean, and more importantly, what does it mean for your tone?Modulation in the general sen...
If You Dont Know How to Tweak Your Sounds, Youre Missing Out on a Lot of What Multieffects Have to Offer But Its Easier Than You Think By Craig Anderton Todays multieffects are woefully underutilized, partly because there is so much potential to expl...